Saturday, February 4, 2012

What are the meanings of the names of the characters in "To kill a Mockingbird"?

Why did Harper chooses the name Atticus %26amp; Calpurnia? Why do Jean Louise "Scout" Finch, Jeremy "Jem" Finch %26amp; Arthur "Boo" Radley have nicknames? etc.|||The nickname thing is southern culture. I have 7 aunts and uncles on my mom's side. Every one of them goes more by a nickname than their given name. Jem is short for Jeremy. Boo is a term of endearment usually for a brother. Harper Lee was from the Gulf South.

There may have been some meaning to the names Calpurnia and Atticus. Both common in ancient Greco- Roman culture. But it could have just been fashionable.|||Its how people were called in their times suggesting places they are from.|||atticus is latin for 'of a plain and direct syle'

calpurnia...i dunno

scout is a boyish name

boo suggests scary game|||They don't have any special meaning, just names used during the setting of the story. What's important is the message of the story and the characters themselves. For me, the characters make their names memorable and not vice versa.|||sometimes when you write a don't choose the names....the names choose you. does that make sense?|||On this website some one has asked a similar question and it provides quite a few links and detailed answers about the names and the meanings and the possible reason they were chosen

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