Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Are meanings of names important to you?

Meanings can be interesting but they aren’t important to me, as long as I like the look and sound of a name I don’t care what the meaning is.|||Meanings aren't important to me at all. I don't walk around saying my name and pondering about the meaning of it. I do, however, like the sound of it and the spelling. I sometimes look to make sure there isn't a really bad association or meaning for a name, but for the most part, I could care less what a name means.|||Of course they are important. In spiritual life, each person is given a name of God and at the end of his name, the title, "das" for servant.

We are all servants of God. Therefore, the name is extremely important to authenticate our individual

presence within the world.|||I agree with you. As long as I like the name, I don't really care what the meaning of it is. Unless it's something really horrible. But, I also think name meanings are cool and can really describe a person. But, I wouldn't base my future child's name on the meaning alone.|||I really don't care about the meanings per se, but if I like a name and decide to use it for something or someone, I don't want it to mean "ugly hag" or something. I look them up to make sure.|||I like meanings but if I love the name its not that important! My sons name is Xavier and it means owner of a new house:( I think it is just a + if the meaning is cute:)|||I don't really care about the meaning either, but I suppose it is a nice bonus if it means something nice.|||I agree but with one exception the name


Such a pretty name but with that meaning no way.i would name any one that|||I agree! But if the name looks good, sounds good, and has a good meaning that is great too.

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